For teen who is 11 years old, 85 pounds, height 5 feet and eats 1000 calories per day, is this right calculation for her?

I 'm a nutritionist from Brazil. Now I have a lot of clients online all those are children and teenagers. Sometimes they 're overweight or underweight. The last one sends me questions about energy values, to keep right weight. My question is: For a teen who is 11 years old, 85 pounds, height 5 feet...

I’m 16 years old, 5 feet 10 inches and about 170 pounds. Am I fat?

Hi, Joanne. I'm 16 years old, 5 feet 10 inches and about 170 pounds. Am I fat? What is the normal weight for my age and height? Thanks! Yes, you are in a healthy weight range (154 to 188 pounds) for your height and age. You are not fat. In fact, your BMI which is...

I am a female 14 years old, 5 feet 7 inches and 118 pounds. I want to know if I am underweight or not?

Hi, I am a female 14 years old, 5 feet 7 inches and 118 pounds. I want to know if I am underweight or not? No, you are not underweight for height. You are taller than 95% of the girls your age and average for weight with a healthy weight range of 111 - 145...

When watching what you eat to get quickest weight loss results, should you be concerned with calories as fat?

When watching what you eat to get quickest weight loss results and exercising regularly, should you be as concerned with calories as with fat content? For successful weight loss, how many grams of fat/day are necessary for a girl age 16? Thank you. Well check it out for yourself, but you will have to pretend you...

I have a 15 year old daughter who eats no fat. What are the implications of rigid avoidance of fat?

I have a fifteen-year-old daughter who eats virtually no fat. She consumes plenty of food otherwise but is very careful to eat fat-free foods whether the fat comes in the preparation or from the food itself. She appears somewhat thin (110 pounds, 63 inches tall last June). I do not know if she is...

How can you lose weight if you have no time to exercise? Does being a vegetarian help you lose weight?

I am a student. My question is how can you lose weight if you have no time to exercise? I barely eat at all and when I do I try to watch what I eat. Does being a vegetarian really help you lose weight? Does no meat include fish? Please write back! All the students would...

I am 13 years old and afraid of being overweight. What is the normal weight for me?

I am thirteen years old and I'm always afraid of being overweight. I am 5'5", but I won't tell my weight because I don't want to hear again that I'm perfect just the way I am. I recently lost a lot of weight and in my eyes, I look okay but could stand to...