What do you think of Feingold’s diet for hyperactive children?

What do you think of Feingold's diet for hyperactive children? My friend told me to take my son off a lot of foods. The Feingold diet for hyperkinetic children is based on removing all foods with sugar, preservatives, color dyes and salicylates from a child's diet. Specific foods are omitted. Hyperactive children vary from three to...

What concerns me is the sudden slow down of growth of my son in the last 2 years.

My question is regarding my son. I am concerned about his rate of growth. How much weight and height should a child gain during the 2nd and 3rd years of life. My son is 34 months and is 35.5 inches and 28 pounds. At birth he was 8 pounds 6 ounces and 20.5 inches;...

My 10-year-old daughter is large. My question is do you have a simple diet for her to lose 10 pounds?

I am 41 and have a 10-year-old daughter, 11 years in October, that is overweight. She is 5 feet 3 inches and weighs 135 pounds. She is not huge fat, but large. She is coordinated and attractive and I want to help her with this weight thing. When she was born she was measured and...

I am concerned about my son’s height. When do boys do most of their growing?

I am concerned about my son's height. He is 11 years old and 4 feet 6 inches weighing 65 pounds. When he was born he was 19 inches long and weighed 8 pounds 6 ounces. I believe he grew 1 inch this past year. I haven't really discussed it with his doctor because I...

Our 10-month-old daughter has come out in pimply bumps on her cheeks. We introduced strawberries.

Our 10-month-old daughter has recently come out in pimply bumps on her cheeks which are sometimes red. We introduced strawberries into her diet just over a week ago which she adores and was eating one each day. Initially, there was no reaction, but now these bumps have appeared. Would you agree that it's likely...

My son’s pediatrician told me I could start increasing his diet with single foods. I am not sure what is best.

I have a seven-month-old son who has been eating cereal since he was about four months. Vegetables and fruit juice (apple only) since he was about five months all based on doctor's advice. He is in the 95th percentile in both weight and height so his size is not a question, but he still...

Could you comment on many parents feeding their very young children diet cold drinks with NutraSweet?

Could you comment on the fact that many parents are feeding their very young children diet cold drinks with NutraSweet? What effect will this have on the development of these children? I am concerned because they do not seem to be getting enough water and healthy foods and beverages. Children do not need diet beverages...

Many parents of ADD / ADHD children will testify to the benefits of the Feingold program.

Many parents of ADD/ADHD children will testify to the benefits of this program. I encourage you to visit the Feingold Association website to find out more. If you re-read the question in this topic, you will see that the person asking the question misspelled Dr. Feingold's name. In my answer, the spelling is correct. I am...

I am concerned about my baby’s weight gain compared to the weight charts.

I am concerned about my baby's weight gain relative to the weight charts. Following are her measurements: Age Weight Length birth 8 pounds 5 ounces 21.5 inches 2 months 11 pounds 10 ounces 25 inches 4 months 13 pounds 10 ounces 26.25 inches 6 months 15 pounds 26.75 inches 9 months 16 pounds 9 ounces 27.75 inches   My 9-month-old daughter eats breast milk, fruits, vegetables, rice cereal and whole wheat bagels. Recently, she...

My sister gives in to her 4-year-old daughter at meal time.

My sister gives in to her four-year-old daughter at meal time. She makes a nice meal, but her daughter won't eat the regular meal like the rest of the family. My sister makes something else like a hot dog or grilled cheese sandwich for her. Isn't it time her daughter start eating like the...