I am a female 14 years old, 5 feet 7 inches and 118 pounds. I want to know if I am underweight or not?

Hi, I am a female 14 years old, 5 feet 7 inches and 118 pounds. I want to know if I am underweight or not? No, you are not underweight for height. You are taller than 95% of the girls your age and average for weight with a healthy weight range of 111 - 145...

I have attention deficit disorder (ADD) and taking Dexedrine to help me out.

I am a 23-year-old female, 5 feet and 9 inches tall. I weigh 124 pounds with my chest being 34 inches, waist 22 inches and hips are at 38 inches, I have a medium size bone structure. In the last six months, I have taken on a full-time job and attend college for more...

What do you think of Feingold’s diet for hyperactive children?

What do you think of Feingold's diet for hyperactive children? My friend told me to take my son off a lot of foods. The Feingold diet for hyperkinetic children is based on removing all foods with sugar, preservatives, color dyes and salicylates from a child's diet. Specific foods are omitted. Hyperactive children vary from three to...

Please clarify the percent fat content on food nutriiton labels.

1) My wife and I have recently switched from 1% to skim milk. What is the recommended type of milk for our two children, ages 8 and 9? 2) Please clarify the % fat content on food nutrition labels. I understand that a general guideline for gauging fat intake is no more than 30% of...

My daughter is overweight and concerned she will gain weight eating hot lunch at school.

My daughter is overweight and I am picky about what she eats. I pack her lunch for school, but she wants to eat school lunch. I'm concerned she will gain weight eating hot lunch at school. You did not say how old your daughter is, but if she were in elementary school, I would suggest...

I am 18 year old male, 6 feet 7 inches tall, and I am starting to feel uncomfortable about my height.

I am an 18 year old male. My father is 6 feet 2 inches and my mother is 5 feet 10 inches. I am currently 6 feet 7 inches and I am still growing. I have been putting on about 4 inches each year for the last four years. I am starting to feel...

According to the doctor’s chart, my 6-year-old son is 15 pounds overweight. Should I put him on a diet?

According to the doctor's chart, my six-year-old son is 15 pounds overweight. Should I put him on a diet? What did his doctor say about your son's weight? Was he/she concerned? How tall is he? Does his weight compare to his height? In children, 0 to 18 years of age, their height should correlate to their...

My wife broke her hip and ever since she has been underweight.

My wife fell and broke her hip 2 years ago. Ever since then she has been underweight. She only weighs around 94 pounds. When I try to sneak in larger portions, she notices it and leaves some. I can't get her to eat more. Do you have any suggestions? She can't walk very far...

I am an adult female with ADHD. What are these foods that aggravate symptoms?

I am an adult female who was recently diagnosed with ADHD. I seem to recall some research that indicated that certain foods could aggravate the symptoms of ADHD. Has this been substantiated recently? What are these foods? Sugar? Yeast? Food Dyes? I am very curious. Please help. Hyperactivity or hyperkinesis is a diagnosable syndrome recognized...

Our daughter who is 4 seems to have less than normal bowel movements sometimes going without for 4 to 5 days.

Our daughter, who is four, seems to have less than normal bowel movements sometimes going four to five days without. The last couple of bowel movements have been hard and we have seen traces of blood in the stool. Our pediatrician has prescribed Dulcolax, a stool softener, twice daily with no real success. The...