Can you suggest a way I can get my husband to lose 20 pounds?

I can’t get my husband to lose weight. He’s 6′ and 220 pounds. His doctor has told him to lose some weight, but he just keeps stuffing his face. I’ve tried many approaches from nagging to being supportive and none have worked. Can you suggest a way I can get him to lose 20 pounds?

The old saying of “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink” is so true for would be dieters and their families.

You cannot force, threaten, intimidate or in any other way make another person lose weight. Any of these methods only make the dieter feel guiltier and want to become more secretive about their eating.

Provide the most positive support you can give in terms of encouragement, with no laying on of guilt when he doesn’t live up to your expectations. Limit your food purchases to only allowed or appropriate foods and remove any inappropriate foods from your kitchen and freezer. There is nothing more difficult than watching someone else have what you cannot have, especially food. Or watching a pan of bars sitting on the counter daring you to eat one.

Also, let your husband assume responsibility for his food intake at mealtime. Don’t comment on the size of his portions or give looks like “Don’t you dare eat more!” If you cook the meals, you can cut down on the quantity of food served. The old adage of “clean your plate” is not healthy and can lead to excess weight. No one should be encouraged to eat the last spoonful either. Don’t be a food pusher.

Furthermore, suggest some healthful exercise such as a daily or frequent walk together. Start with a 15-minute daily walk and increase the length by fifteen minutes each week to about 60 minutes per day. Not only would the exercise provide him with calorie expenditure, but also a time for you both to talk without a house full of distractions.

Finally, the most successful weight loss program is built on consistency and permanent change in eating and health habits. You men out there, these support suggestions also apply toward dieting women!