How do I make foods liquid for our son (18 years) whose jaw is wired shut?

Is there anyone at my hospital who you know who can help me find a way to make foods liquid enough for our son (18 years) whose jaw is wired shut due to orthognathic surgery for orthodontic treatment? High-calorie protein powdered foods are too thick even when thinned. He has lost 15 pounds already...

I have been suffering from mouth ulcers for the last six months.

I have been suffering from reoccurring mouth ulcers for the last six months. My last attack has lasted 10 days and I currently have a total of 22 ulcers present. As you can imagine I am somewhat fed up. My doctor was not able to suggest a cure or able to recommend anything that...

A woman who has no saliva glands says any food or drink she puts in her mouth causes her mouth to burn.

Yesterday I received a call from a family member of a 71-year-old woman who has no saliva glands. Some years ago these were removed. Clinical symptoms are that almost any food or drink she puts in her mouth causes her mouth to burn. Daughter says mother's mouth looks raw and scalded. Mother is losing...

I suffer from canker sores. Could I have a nutritional deficiency?

I constantly suffer from canker sores. Every time I bite my lip, go to the dentist, jab myself with the toothbrush, I inevitably end up with one. I've tried everything: lysine supplements, zinc, vitamin C, yogurt and antibiotics from my doctor when they get unbearable. These things may lessen the severity, but nothing really...

Do you have any recipes for yummy liquid foods?

My son got his jaw broken a day after his 22nd birthday and will be wired up for 4 to 6 weeks. Do you have any leads for us to get recipes for yummy liquid foods? Thanks. Sorry to hear about that unfortunate event! In the beginning, though, you will find that fruit juices or drinks, milk-based...

I have a horrible metallic feel, not taste in my mouth.

I have a horrible metallic "feel", not really a taste in my mouth. I went to my doctor and he said I need all my fillings out because of a leakage that can cause a problem with the "electrical" system in my body and possibly lead to cancer later. I went to my dentist and...

My son was recently the victim of a violent crime with facial injuries making it difficult to eat.

My son was recently the victim of a violent crime. He has facial injuries that make it difficult for him to eat. He's getting sick of Ensure, Ovaltine, pudding, mashed potatoes, and creamed soups. He was already underweight (20 years old, 6 feet 130 pounds) and now with not eating enough, he's losing more...

A friend has strange, painful mouth sores.

I have a friend that has suffered her whole life with strange, painful mouth sores. They are shallow, canker-like sores that appear weekly. They present themselves in the typical areas like inside the cheek and lips, but also, strangely, on her gums and roof of her mouth. Not a day goes by that she...

He has a broken nose, cheekbones and stitches in his upper lip. His palate hurts when he swallows.

Thanks so much for the speedy reply. Great suggestions! His jaw isn't wired, but he has a broken nose, cheekbones, and stitches in his upper lip. He says that his palate hurts when he swallows, which the doc says will go away when the swelling goes down. Also, he can't close his jaw completely also...