What is NutraSweet?

What is in NutraSweet? It tastes good and doesn't leave a bitter aftertaste like saccharin. NutraSweet is the brand name of aspartame. Aspartame contains two amino acids, aspartic acid, and phenylalanine. Together they make foods taste sweeter. Persons with PKU (phenylketonuria) cannot use aspartame because it would raise their blood levels of phenylalanine. PKU is...

What do you think about sugar-free hard candy and breath mints?

What do you think about sugar-free hard candy and breath mints? They're good tasting, low-calorie candies. Most sugar-free candy, gum and breath mints taste good. Read the label to see which artificial sweetener is an ingredient. Sorbitol, mannitol, and xylitol are frequently used in these low-calorie candies. Sorbitol, mannitol, and xylitol are sugars derived from alcohol....

Why do they have sugar in pop?

Why do they have sugar in pop? Well, imagine plain water with food coloring and artificial flavor? You could make that at home even with carbonation. Sugar tastes sweet and adds flavor. But, there are 9 teaspoons of sugar in 12 ounces of pop (soda). Plain water or fruit juice (even diluted with twice as much...

I’ve started using honey instead of sugar since it is a more natural sweetener.

I've started using honey instead of sugar since it is a more natural sweetener. I've been trying to cut down on sugar. I'm not fat or a diabetic. I just think it would be more healthy. Well, you are still using sugar if you have switched to honey. Honey contains 40% sucrose (table sugar) and...

Is saccharin all right to use?

Is saccharin all right to use? With all cancer scares about artificial sweeteners, I want to know if it is safe to use. Saccharin was thought to be one cause of bladder cancer in men. Because of a law called the Delaney Clause, any substance that is known to cause cancer in man or animals...