What do you think about sugar-free hard candy and breath mints?


What do you think about sugar-free hard candy and breath mints? They’re good tasting, low-calorie candies.

Most sugar-free candy, gum and breath mints taste good. Read the label to see which artificial sweetener is an ingredient. Sorbitol, mannitol, and xylitol are frequently used in these low-calorie candies.

Sorbitol, mannitol, and xylitol are sugars derived from alcohol. They are readily converted to fructose and glucose. The problem with these sweeteners is that they are slowly absorbed from the intestines and may produce a laxative or gaseous effect. They are low in calories.

I would not suggest you eat a lot of sugar-free candy at a time. If gas or diarrhea bothers you, omit the sugar-free candy for one week and see if your symptoms go away. Try the sugar-free candy again and see if the symptoms return. This is an elimination plan that will help you identify any symptoms you may have. Only make one change in the food you eat at a time to identify the offending food.