I am doing a practical period in a zoo in Europe. There is a problem with some birds because they die of too much iron.

I am doing a practical period in a zoo in Europe. There is a problem with some of their birds because they die of too much iron in their liver. We want to feed the birds a diet that is low in iron. Their diet consists of many different kinds of fruit, perhaps you...

What are ways to get iron if you do not eat red meat and iron pills make you sick?

What are other ways to eat iron if you do not eat red meat and iron supplement pills make you sick? While red meats are the best source of heme iron which is highly absorbable. Leafy greens are a vegetable source which contains non-heme a lesser absorbable form of iron. The drawback tho is that leafy...

I crave red meat prior during my period. Is my body telling me it wants extra iron?

I've been finding that I seriously crave red meat prior to and during my period. Do you think that this is my body telling me that it wants extra iron during this time? The last 6 months I have drastically reduced my red meat consumption due to the fat content. I have been charting my...

Do you have any recommendations for a vitamin that might give me more energy?

Do you have any recommendations for a vitamin that might give me more energy? I currently take Slow-Fe (iron) and a multivitamin but find that at the end of the day I am exhausted. Any suggestions? Thank you. You didn't give me a lot of information to go on, but here are my thoughts. Since...

Cooking spaghetti sauce in a cast iron pot adds a lot of iron. Is iron absorbed?

I read in a parent's magazine that cooking spaghetti sauce in a cast iron pot adds a lot of iron. Is that iron the kind that is absorbed? It is true that foods cooked in cast iron skillets are higher in iron. However, the form of iron is not absorbed as well. Laboratory nutrient analysis...

Where can I find a dietitian who works with people who have anemia?

Where can I find a dietitian who works with people who have anemia? The Medical Nutrition and Nutrition Entrepreneurs dietetic practice groups of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics provide medical nutrition therapy based on your diagnosis. Dietitians often have their own private practice nutrition counseling services in addition to services provided in a clinic...

I have pernicious anemia and do you have information on that?

If you have time, I have pernicious anemia and wondered if you had any information on that? Pernicious anemia is caused by a deficiency of vitamin B 12. It would show up on a blood test because of the large immature red blood cells that are present. These large red blood cells are very inefficient...

WIC can only give out iron fortified formula until 12 months of age.

Under our federal guidelines for WIC (Women, Infants, and Children), we can only give out iron-fortified formula until 12 months of age. Every so often we hear from parents that a doctor told them that they don't need iron-fortified formula because they will pick up iron from the rural well water they use. Most...

Can men get their RDA for iron from their normal diet?

I take a multivitamin to supplement my diet. I have read, on a couple of occasions (don't ask me where), that men should use a multivitamin which does not contain iron. The reason, if I remember correctly, was that men could get their RDA of iron from their normal diet. Is this true? Men who...

Is there any nutritional significance to the habit of chewing ice?

I couldn't find this issue addressed on your webpage. I hope this isn't a duplicate question. Is there any nutritional significance to the habit of chewing ice? I have heard that dentists advise against it because it could damage your teeth. Is this true? However, what I am really wondering is if it signifies any deficiency...