If you are 11 years old, what is the correct weight?

If you are 11, what is the correct weight that you should be? Depends on your exact age and height. What are your: age in years and months height and current weight? Please write back with your data. The average 11-year-old boy would be 55 to 58 inches tall and weigh 70 to 91 pounds. The...

I’m a 14-year-old teenager and I have been struggling to lose weight. Do you have any tips for me?

I'm a 14-year-old teenager and I have been struggling to lose weight for quite some time now. I walk twice a day for 30 minutes each time and I do 30 sit-ups each week. I eat very well but on weekends I sort of let go of my good eating pattern and eat junk...

Our daughter who is 4 seems to have less than normal bowel movements sometimes going without for 4 to 5 days.

Our daughter, who is four, seems to have less than normal bowel movements sometimes going four to five days without. The last couple of bowel movements have been hard and we have seen traces of blood in the stool. Our pediatrician has prescribed Dulcolax, a stool softener, twice daily with no real success. The...

Would you serve your children KoolAid with sugar or NutraSweet?

Would you serve your children Kool-Aid with sugar or NutraSweet? My children never drank Kool-Aid as I didn't 't buy it. I also didn't buy my children sweetened carbonated beverages (soda or pop). Since children usually don't have their own money or drive a car, I was their food gatekeeper. Rather than dealing with children begging...

I have a 13 year old girl who won’t eat any vegetables.

I have a 13-year-old girl who is very active and she is extremely picky. She won't eat any vegetables at all. She has been having problems with her eyesight for 3 years now and she needs a new, stronger prescription every year. I've tried hiding vegetables or forcing her to eat them and she...

My daughter is constipated. Her doctor told me to give her prunes but no apples or bananas.

I was very glad to find your website. My 2-year-old has great problems with constipation. It grieves me to see her so distressed. All the pediatrician told me is to give her prunes and don't give her apples or bananas. I read on your site that apples (especially the peel) are good for constipation. Do...

I need to know how much calories, etc a regular 14 year old person weighing 110 pounds needs daily.

I'm in eighth grade and I attend Middle School in Dublin, Ohio. I'm doing a project about nutrition. I need to know how many calories, fat, cholesterol, sodium, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, sugar, protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, calcium and iron a regular 14 years old person weighing 110 pounds needs daily. I hope you...

Could you comment on many parents feeding their very young children diet cold drinks with NutraSweet?

Could you comment on the fact that many parents are feeding their very young children diet cold drinks with NutraSweet? What effect will this have on the development of these children? I am concerned because they do not seem to be getting enough water and healthy foods and beverages. Children do not need diet beverages...

What is obesity?

What is obesity? Obesity is a medical diagnosis that describes a condition where you weigh 20% more than the maximum you should for your age and gender. Obesity is a risk for getting diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. Obese kids are more likely to be obese adults. For instance, if you are 10-year old girl...

Where can I find a dietitian who works with teenagers?

Where can I find a dietitian who works with teenagers? The Pediatric Nutrition dietetic practice group of the American Dietetic Association specializes in working with infants, children, and adolescents. You can find a dietitian at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Include your zip code or city/state and the type of service you want (individual...