Where can I find a dietitian who works with breastfeeding women?

Where can I find a dietitian who works with breastfeeding women? The Women's Health dietetic practice group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics specializes in working with breastfeeding women. Many dietitians are breastfeeding consultants in state public health agencies. You can find a Find a dietitian on the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Include...

What should a non-birth mother do if she wants to nurse her infant child?

Could you please answer what a non-birth mother should do (nutritionally) if she wants to nurse her infant child? First, I would suggest talking to a lactation consultant for how-to breastfeed an adopted baby. Contact your state public health department, WIC or a certified lactation consultant to locate qualified professionals. You will need to prepare...

What is the fat content of human milk?

What is the fat content of human milk? Would you have a reference for this? Human milk has 1.3 gms of fat per fluid ounce and 11 grams in 1 cup (USDA Survey database). Human milk is perfect for little humans whereas cows milk is better for little cows. The American Academy of Pediatrics now...

I gained 30 pounds during pregnancy and lost none of it even breastfeeding for 8 months.

My first baby was born last September 24. I gained about 30 pounds during pregnancy and have lost none of it even though he was breastfed for 8 months. My suspicion is that lack of exercise is my particular problem. My question, though, is related to the advice I have received not to worry...

How many calories I should be taking to make sure my breast milk has enough calories and nutrition?

I am a 23-year-old female that is breastfeeding a three-week-old infant. I was wondering how many calories I should be taking to make sure my breast milk has enough calories and nutrition for my baby? I am wanting to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I was 147 pounds when I got pregnant and I...