Could you give me a diet for irritable bowel syndrome for my wife?

Could you give me a diet for irritable bowel syndrome? It's for my wife. She needs to eat better. Please see the answer to another visitor's question.

My son was recently the victim of a violent crime with facial injuries making it difficult to eat.

My son was recently the victim of a violent crime. He has facial injuries that make it difficult for him to eat. He's getting sick of Ensure, Ovaltine, pudding, mashed potatoes, and creamed soups. He was already underweight (20 years old, 6 feet 130 pounds) and now with not eating enough, he's losing more...

Is celiac a disease or an allergy? Can it be cured?

I am currently 27 and was diagnosed with celiac at age 9. A large number of my friends are research/ biology/science based and an ongoing argument between us is why celiac is defined as a disease and whether in fact, it is not simply an allergy. It has been suggested at times that such...

What are the symptoms of celiac disease?

I have a few comments on your gluten response. Its symptoms are continuous diarrhea, cramping abdominal pain, weight loss, and anemia. These are just some of the possible symptoms and are the most common. However, one may not have these and may have others like constipation. I think you should say these are "possible"...

I am trying to locate information on multiple chemical sensitivity.

I am trying to locate information on multiple chemical sensitivity. How can I find out if there are any doctors in the Portland, Oregon area who know anything about it? Thank you. Multiple chemical sensitivity is a reaction to pollutants and other chemicals like pollen, not usually foods. Allergic reactions don't seem to affect other...

I am having a gallbladder attack.

I am up at this insane hour because I am in the process of having a gallbladder attack. I read the Q&A about if a gallbladder actually ruptures. I am scheduled for surgery. I would go to the emergency room, but I do not want to have it removed under emergency circumstances. I am...

Could you please send information for a woman who has recently had stomach surgery and a diet requiring only soft, non-fibrous foods?

Could you please send nutritional information for a woman in her 70's who has recently had stomach surgery and has been placed on a diet requiring "only soft, nonfibrous foods"? Thank you You can check the calories and nutrients for yourself on the Healthy Body Calculator®. Click on the calculator link in the upper left...

Since my daughter was born she has had a problem with not going to the bathroom everyday.

This is a rather "delicate" subject with my daughter. Ever since she was born, she has had a problem with not going to the bathroom every day and therefore having very large stools. We have tried a variety of remedies Metamucil, orange juice every morning, cereal with bran flakes or oat flakes. Nothing seems...

I have diverticulosis and have cut out lettuce, apples, peanuts and cabbage. What else would you suggest?

I have a condition called diverticulosis. It seems every Spring I get into trouble with it. I've already cut out lettuce, apples, peanuts, and cabbage. What else would you suggest? Well, first of all, you are cutting out the very foods you should be eating. You need a high fiber diet, not a low fiber...

What is the effect if a person does not drink milk and just drinks sugar water?

We would like to know if there is an effect if a person does not drink milk and just drinks sugar water? If so, what is the effect? Milk has lots of protein, carbohydrate, vitamins, and minerals to help your bones and teeth get hard and stay strong (calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D), see at...