I followed the calories calculated for me and have gained 5 pounds.

I have faithfully followed the calorie counts calculated by your Healthy Body Calculator® for the past 1 1/2 months and I have gained 5 pounds. I had asked your calculator to calculate how many calories I needed to lose 2 pounds a week. I have been extremely careful about what I have been eating...

My relationship with food has deteriorated and affected how I view food.

I am currently a college student. Throughout the past year, my relationship with food has deteriorated gradually and has greatly affected how I view food currently. With a brand new mindset and back to a healthy weight, I have a few questions as to how I can better my relationship while maintaining my weight. Although...

From a MD nutritionist, I had hoped for a more progressive approach to obesity than drug therapy.

I am 40 years old, 5 feet 4 inches tall and weigh 267 pounds. I have been extremely overweight since youth and have made many weight loss efforts. One particularly "effective" diet was a high protein/low carbohydrate diet. Ten years ago, I lost 120 pounds in about 14 months but it took less than...

Why do so many weight loss diets now push exercise?

Why do so many weight loss diets now push exercise? I really don't mind exercising, but I just seem to forget after a while. What can I do to get into the exercise habit and why is it important? Research has found that exercise, when combined with a calorie-controlled eating plan, helps increase the amount...

I lost 12 to 14 pounds walking a lot.

I seem to be able to eat anything and not gain weight. I lost 12 to 14 pounds slowly over about 4 months. What interests me now is that I don't have to watch what I eat now. I had been walking a lot while I was losing weight, but since the cold weather,...

I have been trying to lose weight and can’t stand veggies or fruit.

I have been trying to lose weight ever since the 4th grade and am now 22 years old. Last time I had it checked my body fat was 27%, but I know I have gained weight since then. The main problem with all of this is that I don't eat veggies. I can't stand...

It’s time for a HELP diet reboot.

Thank you for your reply!!! You are correct. I stuck with the HELP diet for several years, but as time went by, several of my good habits started being forgotten. Now, it seems, I'm doing nothing but eating frozen pizzas and other carb and/or protein heavy foods. So, it's time for a reboot. The thing I...

I’ve read some convincing ads about starch blockers. Do they work and can I eat all the starch I want?

I've read some pretty convincing ads about starch blockers. Do they really work and can I really eat all the starch I want? No. I had thought we had heard the last of the starch blocker issue when the FDA banned them. Starch blockers do not prevent you from absorbing starch and do not live...

I am a seventh grader doing a report for science on anorexia and bulimia.

I am a seventh grader in Massachusetts doing a report for science on anorexia/bulimia. Part of this assignment is to interview a patient or medical worker involved with these disorders. If you could, I would like you to take some time to answer the following questions on these diseases. Can anorexia/bulimia be spread...

With long history of back injury, I have been advised to get my weight down.

I am a 57-year-old Australian man of 5 feet 10 inches weighing 105 kilograms (231 pounds). I have a long history of back injury with problems at L5 to L4 and now a new condition with L5 to S1 disk almost non-existent. I also have a narrowing at C6 from a broken neck. Don't...