I am working with a patient who has reached a plateau with her weight loss.

I am working with a patient who seems to have reached a plateau with her weight loss. Based on her reported food intake and exercise expenditure, I’m at a loss for her plateau. She has done very well with me and I believe her food records to be accurate based on past weeks and months of working with her. She is inquiring about her set point and/or a plateau effect. Do you have any resources that you can recommend that I might research this topic and her concern? Thank You

Use the Healthy Body Calculator® and select “maintain weight” rather than lose weight. First, run your patient’s physical data through my calculator at her goal weight without any activity. Next, run your patient’s physical data through my calculator at her current weight without any activity.

You will see that the calorie difference to maintain weight at the goal weight may be only 25 to 50 calories less for every 5 pounds difference without factoring in the impact of exercise. For instance, at 150 pounds she may need 1620 calories, at 125 pounds she would need 1500 calories. So weight plateaus, where weight loss is at a standstill, are a reality if calorie intake and expenditure are kept at the same level during the weight loss process. Would suggest you evaluate her calorie level and exercise plan to get off the plateau. A slight decrease in calories and increase in daily physical activity will probably get her off that plateau but remember not to go below 1200 calories per day.