

    I am a 34-year-old female that has tried to lose weight for the last 12 years. I have tried many different “diets”. Some would work at first where I would lose 15 pounds and gain 20 back. On December, 26 2000 I was at my highest weight ever, 213 pounds. I became very angry and so tired of being on “diets”. I decided that I needed to seek another way so I searched for weight loss on the Web and came across your weight calculator. I filled out the information requested, wrote down calories / fat recommend to lose 2 pounds per week and began counting calories and fat grams. Guess what? On July 14, 2001, I hit my first goal 150 pounds. I cannot believe to this minute that I have lost 63 pounds within 7 months. Thank you for putting your weight calculator on line. It really works!!!!