I’m concerned about getting enough calcium at 34 years old.

I'm concerned about getting enough calcium and am only 34 years old. The other day, I was watching a popular television program and they were discussing osteoporosis in women after menopause. Osteoporosis is characterized by a loss of calcium from bone, especially the spine and deterioration of bone tissue to the point it looks like...

We have been trying to force these lead-containing calcium products off of the shelves.

Thank you for your common sense approach to calcium supplements. We have been trying to force these lead-containing products off of the shelves or at least to force the manufacturers to disclose the contents to unsuspecting consumers of these products. I am interested in any information that you may have on this topic. Bone meal...

I am in excellent health except for a leg ache that occurs at night.

I had been on Phen/Fen about a year- just working out to try to get my weight down. I am in excellent health except for a mysterious leg ache that occurs only at night. I think it could be some kind of vitamin deficiency- can you suggest something? Please reply.   If you get muscle cramps...

We would like to know the amount of calcium needed daily for a person according to his age, gender, and weight.

We are the Lebanese Osteoporosis Prevention Society (LOPS). Our concern among others is to provide awareness to our society about osteoporosis and how to prevent it. We are very interested in your articles about osteoporosis and the optimal calcium intake. We would like to have documents, questionnaires or protocols about the detection of the...

Where can I find a dietitian who works with people who have osteoporosis or don’t get enough calcium?

Where can I find a dietitian who works with people who have osteoporosis or don't get enough calcium? The Medical Nutrition and Nutrition Entrepreneurs dietetic practice groups of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics provide medical nutrition therapy based on your diagnosis. Dietitians often have their own private practice nutrition counseling services in addition to...

What nutrients form our bones?

What nutrients form our bones? Your bones contain mostly calcium and phosphorus which are minerals that give bone its rigidity. Your bones have the breaking strength of cast iron. In other words, as much pressure as it would take to break a cast iron pan, it would take that much force to break a bone...

One antacid a day and you will have your daily required calcium according to my friend’s doctor.

You should eat one antacid a day and you will have your daily required calcium, according to my friend's doctor. Is this true or false? True and False. Check the Nutrition Facts label on the antacid. Some antacids (chewable tablets) do contain calcium carbonate which is 40% calcium, but the amounts vary between brand names....

What type of calcium pills should a woman be taking?

What type of calcium pills should a woman be taking? You know how a lot of women are taking calcium pills? The best-absorbed form of calcium from a pill is a calcium salt like carbonate or citrate. Calcium gluconate and calcium lactate are absorbed well by pregnant women. Seniors absorb calcium lactate, gluconate and citrate...

I’m wondering whether my kids are getting enough calcium?

I'm wondering whether my kids are getting enough calcium. How much do they need and about how much milk, cheese, yogurt, etc. is that? I have a girl, 6 years, another girl, 3 years and a boy, 1-year. Thanks for your help! Your 6-year-old child needs 800 milligrams of calcium per day. Your 3-year-old needs 500...

I have intolerance to milk and dairy derivatives.

I hope you can help me. I have an intolerance to milk and dairy derivatives. Of course, I now have to check labels for all kinds of milk ingredients. One ingredient I am not sure of is calcium lactate. I am wondering if you can tell me if calcium lactate is a milk derivative....