I concentrate on the fat content which is typically between 5% and 10%. Is my fat intake too low?

I eat a balanced diet except I concentrate on the fat content. If it's available in non-fat such as milk or cheese, that's what I buy and eat. My fat intake is typically between 5 and 10% of my calories. I do weight train and do cardio workouts three times a week. Is my...

Can you tell if my diet is actually low in fat and supplies me with the fatty acids I need?

I've always been overweight (10-15 pounds), so I try to eat as little fat as possible. However, I know that I need to eat some fat in order to get the essential fatty acids. I was just wondering if there was any way to tell if my diet is actually low in fat and...

You mention that linoleic acid is the only truly essential fatty acid. Linolenic is an omega 3 fatty acid.

On the nature of EFA's, you mention that linoleic acid is the only truly essential fatty acid (EFA). While this may be so, it glosses over the effects of an undersupply of linolenic acid in the diet, because when eicosadienoic acid is synthesized and substituted for (gamma) linolenic acid in the w-3 eicosanoid pathways,...

Your answer included the statement that the human body can make linolenic and arachidonic from linoleic.

The purpose of your service is great. Accurate nutritional information to the consumer is a must. I stumbled on your information concerning fatty acids and found some errors that I would like to clarify just for your information. Your answer included the statement that "the human body can make linolenic and arachidonic from linoleic....