Is celery high in salt?


Is celery high is salt? I am on a salt-free diet and the least bit of salty foods makes me retain water. I love to eat celery, but I don’t put salt on it.

Yes, celery contains 35.2 milligrams of sodium in one stalk, but compared to other foods like ham is it not too high. Other vegetables that should be limited to 1/2 cup per day are beets; beet greens; carrots; dandelion greens; kale; mustard greens; spinach; Swiss chard; white turnips; frozen peas; frozen lima beans; tomato juice, sauce, paste or puree. The sodium values range from 35 to 155 milligrams for one cup cooked of any above vegetable. Celery is the highest in sodium and one cup is about six, five inch by three-quarters inch sticks.

These vegetables do not taste salty compared to ham (one cup chopped has 1938 milligrams sodium). Also, they are not usually omitted from mild salt restricted or even low salt diets. People on diets of less than 1,000 milligrams are usually instructed to limit or omit beets, carrots, celery, and spinach from their diet. Small amounts of these vegetables, used to flavor soups or stews, are not usually omitted even on low sodium diets.

So if you are on a salt-restricted diet of fewer than 1,000 milligrams or less, you should not eat celery, even without salting it. I would like to suggest you try green pepper, green onions, cauliflower or broccoli for munching instead. They are low in sodium and calories as well.