At holiday meals, I don’t want to feel left out. Yet I’m afraid I’ll blow my diet.


It’s getting close to Thanksgiving and Christmas. I’ve been on a diet to lose 20 pounds. So far, I’ve lost six pounds and I don’t want to gain it back.

With all the big meals and treats that will be around during the holidays, I don’t want to feel left out. Yet, I’m afraid I’ll blow my diet.

Your concern to stick to your diet is great! I would like to suggest that you continue on your reduction diet before and after the holidays, (assuming you are eating a variety of foods from the Food Guide Pyramid of Meat – two to three servings, Milk – two to three servings, Bread – six to eleven servings, Fruit – two to four servings, Vegetable – three to five servings and fats – use sparingly).

On Thanksgiving and Christmas, choose one meal during the day to eat something extra not allowed on your diet. If you ate one cup of dressing or one cup of candied sweet potatoes or one slice of pumpkin pie, you would not be blowing your diet. Also, you should not feel guilty for having eaten the extra food. The holidays can provide good emotional and family support.

Secondly, it may be more realistic for you to set a goal of weight maintenance from Thanksgiving Day until January 2 or 3. To expect that you will continue to lose weight during the holidays is probably unrealistic and will make you feel guilty if you do not lose weight. Instead, plan to keep your weight the same. Then after the holidays, set a goal to continue your weight loss program. Enjoy yourself and your family during the holiday season.