I’m allergic to cantaloupe, watermelon and bananas. What other fruits are similar?


Thirteen years ago I became allergic to cantaloupe. I had eaten it all my life so it took awhile to find out what was making me sick. By sick, I mean vomiting, diarrhea, and cold sweats. About seven years ago bananas did the same thing, three years ago it was watermelon. Now there are three fruits I have always eaten that I am afraid to eat. Each time I got sick, it was more violent and quicker.

My question is this. Will I always have to avoid these foods? Do they have something in common with other foods I should avoid? Is it possible to outgrow these allergies? Would it be a good idea to try just a little bit of one of them? I am trying to lose weight so these fruits would be a nice addition to my diet. I appreciate any help or suggestions you can offer on the matter.

Food allergies can be rather difficult to pinpoint because you eat meals of mixed foods and beverages. Any food that causes the symptoms you describe should be avoided and you should not try little bits of them either. Each episode of contact with the suspected food may increase your sensitivity and reaction. Outgrowing a food allergy is not a realistic possibility. Desensitizing you to the allergic food is a possibility.

How soon after you eat any of these fruits do you experience symptoms? How did you associate your symptoms with these specific fruits?

Cantaloupe and watermelon are both melons, but other than that, bananas aren’t related to either. Consider that you may be allergic to pesticides used on these fruits. Though these fruits don’t have edible peels, I am wondering if you wash the outside before cutting or eating these fruits? Fruits and vegetables often have residue on them that should be washed off with a produce wash before cutting through the peel. One reason for buying organic fruits and vegetables is to avoid pesticide residue on the peel.

I would suggest you discuss your symptoms after eating these fruits with your doctor. Contact a medical doctor in your area that specializes in allergies to evaluate your symptoms and find other foods you may be allergic to before you get a reaction to an unknown offending food. Your doctor can perform blood or skin tests to determine your sensitivity to foods as well as discuss treatments to desensitize you to the fruits to which you are allergic.