Consider your stance on low carb diets.

My daughter is a dietitian. She fought it but now consults positively. What I am discussing is the Low Carb Diet. I have attended 2 seminars in past 6 weeks. Other dietitians are disputing your negative statements. May I suggest you rethink and investigate a bit past what you have been taught? As my...

I need to lose some weight so some friends and I went on a vegetable diet.

I needed to lose some weight. So some friends and I went on a vegetable diet. I got such terrible cramps that I had to stop after 1-week. Why did I get such bad cramps? If your diet previous to the vegetable diet was low in fiber, your cramps may have been due to the...

During my workout, I get light headed and yawn a lot.

I workout a lot. From time to time during my workout, I get very light headed and notice I yawn a lot. What do you think? I feel I have a good diet. I don't eat fast food, fried food, or much junk food. I'm lactose intolerant, so I can't drink milk. I don't eat...

How much food does the average American eat a day?

How much food does the average American eat a day? Depends on whether the person is a man, woman or child, and their age. It also depends on how you count "food eaten". Food eaten can be measured in pounds of food delivered to grocery stores which are then purchased or thrown out (by grocers...

I have an employee who exercises at lunch and after work.

I have an office manager who started working for me less than 3 months ago. Right off the bat, she started taking 1 1/2 to 2-hour lunches so she could run. This is after she worked out in the morning for about 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Then she leaves promptly at 5:55 P.M....

My vegetarian girlfriend weighs no more than 100 pounds. What do I do?

My girlfriend is 16 and will not eat. She says she can't and doesn't feel like eating and that she doesn't want to become fat. I think she has anorexia. She's about 5 feet tall and is no more than 100 pounds. I am writing to you from the Netherlands and we do not...

The Metropolitan Life Insurance tables qualifies me as underweight. Should I be worried?

I am 5 feet 7 inches and weigh 108 pounds. By the Metropolitan Life Insurance tables, this qualifies me as underweight. But I'm only 18 and the tables don't include my age group. I want to know if I should be worried and try to gain weight, but I can't seem to find any...

Is saccharin all right to use?

Is saccharin all right to use? With all cancer scares about artificial sweeteners, I want to know if it is safe to use. Saccharin was thought to be one cause of bladder cancer in men. Because of a law called the Delaney Clause, any substance that is known to cause cancer in man or animals...

Are there foods that melt off fat?

How do you melt off fat? Are there foods that do it? Is it a combination of vegetables? You can't "melt off" fat. There is not any food or combination of foods that specifically help burn body fat. A variety of vegetables will improve your consumption of vitamins, minerals, and fiber but will do nothing...

Is it better to workout in the morning, afternoon, or night to increase metabolism?

I was wondering, how can a person increase their metabolism? Is it better to workout in the morning, afternoon or night? Current research hasn't proven that exercise time of day affects metabolism, so exercise when it fits into your schedule 30 minutes, 5 times per week. Just exercise! Exercising within a few hours of sleep may...