

    I had followed the HELP diet on this site several years ago for over a year and it had helped me to successfully lose 75 pounds!!!! Thank you in advance for helping me in my weight-loss goals! Your site has been amazing!

    The thing I really enjoyed about this healthy eating plan is once I got into the habit I realized if I wanted to have that slice of birthday cake I can. I just need to remember to compensate for cake at that meal.

    HELP also showed me, it doesn’t have to be a diet. It’s more about healthy choices. Some days, I picked my foods so well, I felt nearly stuffed every time I ate!

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    Joanne Larsen is a licensed, registered dietitian with extensive clinical experience in nutrition therapy in hospitals, clinics, mental health and long term care. She has a bachelor's degree in dietetics with a minor in chemistry and a master's degree in nutrition with a minor in counseling. She is a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly American Dietetic Association).